Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We had a breezy day for sailing on Kelli's birthday.  Took the Oystercatcher and the Swan down to the lighthouse.  Instead of heading out past the channel into the Gulf like we usually do, the wind was right to head up the East River.  We were actually able to sail out of the canal.  We stayed to the edge or just outside of the channel as much as possible as there were lots of motor boats out speeding by, and stayed clear of all oysterbars!  Saw one bald eagle sitting on a bar, but he flew away before we got in photo range.  

Joe and Kelli both took a turn at the tiller.  In my boat there was a mutiny and Mom started calling herself "Captain."

Although the wind never seems to be consistent on our gulf coast, it was blowing enough most of the time for us to have some fun and actually sail!  We were really only becalmed once, after which we were hit by a gust and my mom exclaimed "we're tipping over!"  Proof is in the photos that we were nowhere close to tipping over!  Rather, we were sailing.  

A photograph being photographed.  The Oystercatcher overtook us to do a photo shoot of the Swan for a picture to send to WoodenBoat's launchings, finally.  

And here's the Oystercatcher as they passed us:  

I think the Drascombe looks like a pirate ship. Its crew was friendly enough, though.  

To watch a video of the Swan sailing go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4AxBV0rGrk&feature=youtu.be

When we got back to the canal, we had to row in, and the no-see-ums were atrocious!  Wish we could have stayed out on the water longer... 

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